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    Rogue magazine – June 2018

    On his goals as an actor: “I tend to think more about the things I don’t want to do. Lately, career goals haven’t been on my mind much. I tend to think more about what I want to do when I’m not working. I’ve been pretty lucky, I found myself a pretty steady gig here with Santa Clarita Diet, I’m enjoying it…I’m good, you know, I don’t find myself thinking too much about what’s next.”

    On if he sometimes can’t believe his success: “No, I do not question it, I enjoy it. I just enjoy it.”



  • Justified,  Magazine,  News,  Photo Gallery

    On the Set of ‘Justified’ as the FX Drama Heads Into Its Final Season

    This story first appeared in the June 13 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine.


    “More ‘at your wits’ end!'” shouts director Adam Arkin from a packed “video village” to Justified star Timothy Olyphant, sitting on a couch 20 feet away in the U.S. Marshal’s office. In character as Raylan Givens, Olyphant tries his line again, more visibly irritated: “If it doesn’t have to do with beaches or sunny skies, there’s nothing more for me to see.”

    It’s a little past noon on a Thursday in late February when THR arrives at the series’ Santa Clarita studio, in time to watch Deputy U.S. Marshal Rachel Brooks (Erica Tazel) and Assistant U.S. Attorney David Vasquez (Rick Gomez) ask their favorite law enforcement agent to kill his longtime nemesis, Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins). The entire series has led to this critical moment in the season-five finale, which gives rise to a highly anticipated showdown set to play out during the sixth and final season.

    At this point in Justified’s run, few know their characters as intimately as does Olyphant, 46. Having lived with Raylan for a half-decade, he is as comfortable offering direction as taking it. As the 6-foot actor exchanges a plaid shirt for a black long-sleeved tee, he suggests to executive producer (and episode cowriter) Dave Andron a few tweaks to Raylan’s attitude for tomorrow’s scene. Exec producer Fred Golan welcomes Olyphant’s input: “You’d be foolish not to listen to him.”

    The FX neo-Western, exec produced and run by Graham Yost (who rarely is on set) and based on Elmore Leonard’s short story “Fire in the Hole,” hit a viewership high during its most recent season and has helped shape the network’s rugged, male-skewing brand. The show took a substantial hit with Leonard’s death during its 2013 summer hiatus. “It felt a little bit like a father died,” says Golan before the crew packs up and drives 25 minutes west to a bridge in Piru, Calif., for a shoot that will go late into the night. As they prepare to pen Justified’s final season, the writers feel an enormous responsibility to honor the author. Andron reminds everyone, “We’re still playing around in Elmore’s sandbox.”

    Sources: 1 | 2

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    GQ Magazine – December 2011

    The most stylish man on television isn’t a mid-century ad exec or a depression-era bootlegger. As a wily U.S. marshal on Justified, no one has more swagger than Timothy Olyphant. Keep your man crush in check.

    Shortly after this year’s Emmys, a male friend e-mailed me to say that when the camera panned on Timothy Olyphant, turned out in a Louis Vuitton peak-lapel tux, “everyone ovulated—including the dudes.” Mention his name to the men in my office and it’s met with sheepish grins and distinctly unmanly gushiness. “Could I love him more?” “He’s just so cool.” Even Graham Yost, the creator of FX’s Justified—the Elmore Leonard–inspired Kentucky crime drama in which Olyphant stars as debonair, shit-kicking U.S. marshal Raylan Givens—will admit to a man crush. “Tim,” he says, “is the whole package.” Olyphant, scratchy voiced and quick to laugh, doesn’t let it go to his head: “I have a crush on Raylan, too!”

    The actor’s elegant way with a laconic antihero was established back in 2004, when he played the tortured, mustachioed sheriff Seth Bullock on HBO’s Deadwood. As modern-day lawman Givens, Olyphant brings the same ramrod menace, but cut with a whole lot of smooth southern charm—the type of guy who buys you a drink before he plugs you with a bullet. No wonder dudes swoon.

    It took Deadwood to make him a viable leading man, but Olyphant, 43, had already been acting for nearly two decades. So while you might call what he’s having a moment, he’s logged enough time to keep his wits about him. “Success in my line of work brings a great deal of bullshit,” Olyphant says pleasantly. “The upside to doing it for such a long time is that there’s not any kind of confusion about what it is and what it isn’t. When they say, ‘Hey, you want to talk to Access Hollywood?’ I think, No! No, I don’t!” He laughs. “Worst-case scenario, I’ll just keep working.”

    Not long after Justified premiered, a friend asked Olyphant if he wasn’t worried about being typecast (after all, both Bullock and Givens wear hats).”I’m thinking: typecast? What, as a badass?” He’ll take it.


    Thank you to Mari (olyfantastique@tumblr)